
Imbolc 2024

Honoring Brigid.

Yule 2023

Honoring Freya and Odin with Heimdall as Gatekeeper and Bragi as Bard.

Samhain 2023

Honoring Morrigan and Cailleach with Manannan Mac Lir as Gatekeeper and Brigid as Bard.

Fall Equinox 2023

Honoring Dagda, the Good God with Morrigan as the Gatekeeper and Brigid as Bard.

Lughnassa 2023

Honoring Lugh, the god of all skills

Summer Solstice 2023

Honoring the Titans Hyperion and Theia with Mnemosyne as Bard and Hekate as Gatekeeper 

Beltane 2023

Honoring Cernunnos with Manannan Mac Lir as Gatekeeper and Brigid as Bard

Spring Equinox 2023

Honoring Freya and Idunn with Heimdall as Gatekeeper and Bragi as Bard

Imbolc 2023

Honoring Bigrid in all her roles

Yule 2022

Honoring Freya and Odin with Heimdall and Bragi.